Duane F. King

Duane F. King

I started programming early in life due to a love of technology, and have never stopped looking for new problems to solve and learn from. I do my best to learn something new every day, because I do not know what I do not know.

Since then, I have had many years of experience in the assessment, creation, management, and building of both software and software test automation. I also have experience in the maintenance, administration, and software development of Windows, Mac, and Linux / UNIX environments on multiple hardware platforms. I use multiple platforms and operating systems for fun.

My direct technical experience includes working with .Net (C#, F#, ASP.Net, WCF, WPF, VB/VB.NET, ASP), Python (Django, Flask, Chalice, Virtualenv/PIP, EasyInstall, Pyramid, Cornice, Colander, others), Java, Go/GoLang, Rust, JavaScript (JSON, NodeJS/NPM, Yarn), Shell (Unix, Mac, and Windows), C, C++, SQL (SQL, MySQL, T-SQL, PostgreSQL), XML, YAML, PHP/LAMP, Lua, Assembly (Z80, X86, minimal RISC Ultrasparc v8) and Perl on hardware and cloud based continuous delivery. I have assessed, designed, created, programmed, maintained, developed, and tested software applications, testing frameworks, test plans, and systems using server, client, peer to peer, and distributed automation on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and other clouds.

My Leadership experience is diverse and includes but is not limited to Executive, Divisional, Managerial, Lead, and Individual Contributor (IC) roles in companies ranging from garage startups to publicly traded fortune 50 billion dollar giants where I mentored the principle engineers that reported to me as an executive providing technical leadership and mentorship for hundreds of people.

Experienced Tech Leader Specializing  in Software Innovation And Project Rescue

Ethical & Invested

My value system requires I act with Honor and Integrity while working to further your companies interests in the market in every way I can. A lot of people go to work and consider it "just a day job"; I become invested in the mission of the company and do my best to not only deep dive into issues other people are scared of learning about, but also kill pain and convert chaos into opportunity.

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Effective & Efficient.

I rescue failing software projects and do what I can to clean up or put out the fires I find at the source of the problem, instead of simply treating the symptoms that create more work with a band-aid. If my only other option - either due to business priorities or other issues - is to just make you aware of them, I do so with clarity and in a succinct manner to provide options for a solution. I'm a big fan of actions that mitigate future risk.

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Humble & Smart.

I'm cursed with a brain that is able to understand the complexity of the human suffering around me. I feel that obligates me to use my gifts to better and grow the world around me, to innovate, and to push humanity forward, all while I also do my best to relieve the human suffering that I encounter. My goal is to help you scale your solutions and if you have put in the work to allow it, to help you scale your company.

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